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Inspection Reports

The School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) at regular intervals. The most recent ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection took place in January 2022. This type of inspection provides parents with a detailed examination of all aspects of the school including the quality of education provided, the breadth of opportunity for pupils to engage in enrichment activities and an assessment of the progress made by pupils.

The 2022 inspection found the quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements to be excellent, and described the quality of pupils' personal development as excellent. 'Excellent' is the highest grade awarded by the ISI.

  • Highlights from the 2022 report include:
    "The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent. Pupils display excellent attitudes to learning, demonstrating an intrinsic motivation and determination to do well."
  • "In discussions, pupils were keen to point to the quality of teaching and the individualised support and encouragement they receive from both teachers and pastoral staff as key contributory factors to their academic progress."
  • "Throughout the school, pupils achieve excellent standards in a wide range of co-curricular activities and pursuits. Pupils achieve highly in these areas partly because they have extremely strong independent and collaborative skills, but also because they are encouraged by the school to pursue their interests to the highest level."
  • "During periods of remote learning pupils used online video learning platforms extremely effectively to access lessons and resources, and to collaborate with their peers."
  • "During their time at the school pupils develop excellent communication skills. Pupils are articulate, expressing themselves clearly and with purpose, being given numerous opportunities for discussion and debate in the classroom and beyond."
  • "Children in the EYFS make rapid progress in their knowledge of phonics and early writing skills. Throughout the junior school, pupils read with fluency and excellent expression in independent and guided reading activities."
  • "Pupils, including the more able, relish the opportunities for challenge which are available on a regular basis during lessons and in extra-curricular activities; the school is highly successful in meeting its aim to instil in pupils the value of learning."
  • "The quality of pupils' personal development is excellent. Pupils demonstrate an outstanding sense of community and, in discussions with inspectors, they spoke warmly of a culture of mutual support and encouragement."
  • "Pupils have a very well-developed sense of responsibility, rights and compassion and they display excellent reasoning skills when discussing issues of morality."
  • "Pupils develop an excellent understanding and appreciation of the spiritual and non-material aspects of life."
  • "Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe and are aware of the need to establish a balance in all they do to stay physically and mentally healthy."
  • "From the moment they join the school, pupils make rapid progress in developing their self-confidence, resilience, self-discipline and other personal skills. Within the school, pupils show a distinctive degree of self-confidence; they are comfortable in themselves as they are trying to be the best that they can be, rather than comparing themselves to others."

Current Inspection Report

ISI Inspection Report January 2022


Previous Inspection Reports