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Careers / Next Steps

The Sixth Form is a time when significant decisions are made. We are unashamedly ambitious for all our students, but the priority has to be that the next step after school is perfectly suited to each individual’s aspirations and aptitudes.

We have a dedicated Careers and Higher Education team at LCS, comprised of careers advisors and the Head of Sixth Form. We are passionate about every student finding the right path for them and encourage students to explore a wide range of possibilities during their time in the Sixth Form.

To this end, every Year 12 student has a one-to-one meeting with a Careers Advisor during Michaelmas term to discuss their plans for the future. Tailored support is provided for UCAS applications, beginning in Trinity term of Year 12. We are delighted that every Sixth Former at Lichfield Cathedral School has gained a place on the degree course of their choice.

Bespoke small group support is offered to Oxbridge, Medicine, STEM, Veterinary and Dentistry applicants, with individual personal statement guidance provided throughout the application process. We run a series of practice interviews for these applicants in Michaelmas term and offer visits to Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

Our excellent programme of Higher Education talks has been delivered by Schools Liaison Teams from Russell Group institutions, such as the University of Durham and the University of Birmingham, as well as Nottingham Trent University, Oxford Brookes and Lancaster University. Some talks are focused on specific subject areas, such as STEM and the creative arts, while others are focused on the admissions process. We also host an array of visiting speakers during Sixth Form Enrichment on a bi-weekly basis, exploring careers and raising students’ aspirations. Trips and other opportunities exploring options for the future are central, including annual visits to the University of Cambridge, the University of Birmingham open day, the National Apprenticeship Show and the ‘What Career Live? What University Live?’ Fair, plus we host our own Careers Fair with numerous universities, degree apprenticeship providers and employers in attendance.