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It is vital to choose the right school for your child from day one. We offer small class sizes and a challenging curriculum, but most importantly, staff are selected for their ability to inspire children to develop a love of learning. Teachers who are highly motivated and truly passionate about learning help to drive creativity and curiosity in their pupils, sparking the desire to want to learn more.

 Reception child

Joanna Churton, Head of Junior Years, believes: “It’s not just about one brilliant lesson they will remember forever, it’s about sustaining that interest over time and helping children to develop positive attitudes to school, to achieving their goals and to maintaining a growth mindset.”

How do the teachers at Lichfield Cathedral School achieve this? They focus on teaching their pupils to become independent and capable learners for life by developing the following skills and attributes:

  • being willing to have a go and try something new
  • bouncing back after difficulties and persisting in the face of challenge
  • being encouraged and supported to have their own ideas
  • finding more than one way of doing something
  • being proud of how they achieve something, not just the achievement itself
  • making links and connections between their learning.

“It’s a particular kind of person who can be innovative and engaging, able to look at subjects through a different lens and design ways of teaching that continue to inspire children,” explained Mrs Churton, “and I’m delighted to work with a fabulous team of teachers who do just that.”

We place a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills, encouraging high standards in reading and early writing. Our practical, hands on, approach to learning mathematics ensures children develop a secure understanding. These core skills are complemented by children’s learning and experiences in French, Games, PE, Music, Forest School and Dance lessons.

We pride ourselves on our caring and nurturing environment based on mutual respect and kindness, ensuring all children have an equal chance of success. Our staff are experienced, well qualified and understand the importance of a child-centred approach to learning. Our engaging and stimulating curriculum ensures all children can thrive and by putting the children’s interests at the heart of our planning, we encourage independence, risk taking and critical thinking.

Outstanding pastoral care ensures that each child is given individual support, while being stretched and challenged in order for them to reach their full potential. We work in close partnership with parents to provide the best outcomes for each of our children.