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Our Wellbeing and RSE lessons are taught to all students on a weekly basis by a small group of dedicated teachers. The lessons enable students to discuss and voice their opinions on a range of different topics covered throughout the curriculum in a safe and relaxed environment.

Wellbeing/RSE lessons cover a wide range of topics at a depth appropriate to each child’s age, including emotional health, spiritual health, physical health, healthy living and preparation for the future. Examples of topics covered include: careers, friendships, bullying, resilience, financial literacy, online safety, dealing with stress, sexual health, and relationships and belonging. The schemes of work are inclusive but adaptable to be up-to-date with local or worldwide issues.

During Form times and assemblies, topics are also discussed and awareness of certain topics improved for example; Black History Month, Anti-bullying Week and Mental Health Awareness Week.

To enhance our Wellbeing/RSE curriculum, we invite external guest speakers to deliver specialist sessions on a range of topics. Some examples include: Accent catering, Road Safety, Open Clinic, drugs, SARAC - healthy relationships. 

The policy for Wellbeing and RSE is sent out to all parents at the start of the year along with rights for withdrawal from sex education and this can also be found under the policy section on the website.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum then please contact Mrs Bullmore v.bullmore@lichfieldcathedralschool.com

EYFS curriculum

In Early Years Foundation Stage, Wellbeing/RSE is taught throughout the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) strand of the EYFS curriculum, but also augmented with bespoke lessons at different points for the year, such as transition in the Trinity term. These lessons are usually supported by a core text such as ‘Ruby’s Worries’ and ‘The Colour Monster’.


Health and Wellbeing

Living in the Wider World

Families and friendships

Safe relationships

Respecting ourselves and others

to a

Media literacy and digital resilience

Money and work

Physical health and mental wellbeing

Growing and changing

Keeping safe

Key Stage 1 curriculum

The Wellbeing/RSE programme in Years 1-4 utilises resources from the  PSHE Association, with an overarching question each half term.  The programme is broken down into three main strands: Living in the Wider World, Relationships, and Health and Wellbeing.  These are visited across the year and link to work across year groups.  

Year groups have weekly lessons to explore the half term’s big question, but also incorporate discussion points brought up in other subject areas.  Additional events and themes, such as Children in Need, One Kind Word Week, Comic Relief, Black History Month and Pride, are explored during these sessions and special assemblies.   

A range of guest speakers come into school to speak to pupils about important topics such as nutrition, fire safety, careers, and health and wellbeing.

Michaelmas 1 Michaelmas 2 Lent 1 Lent 2 Trinity 1 Trinity 2
Year 1 What is the same and different about us? Who is special to us? What helps us stay healthy? What can we do with money? Who helps to keep us safe? How can we look after each other and the world?
Year 2 What makes a good friend? What is bullying? What jobs do people do? What helps us stay safe? What helps us grow and stay healthy? How do we recognise our feelings?

Key Stage 2 curriculum

Michaelmas 1 Michaelmas 2 Lent 1 Lent 2 Trinity 1 Trinity 2
Year 3

How can we be a good friend?

What keeps us safe?

What are families like?

What makes a community

Why should we eat well and look after our teeth?

Why should we keep active and sleep well?

Year 4

What strengths, skills and interests do we have?

How do we treat each other with respect?

How can we manage our feelings?

How can our choices make a difference to others and the environment?

How can we manage risk in different places?

Bespoke transition unit: Year 4 to Broadhurst

Year 5

Be Yourself

Individuality; Recognising difference; developing positive self image; managing feelings.


Different types of relationship; those who are important to us; the importance of kindness and respect in relationships.

Safety First

Taking responsibility for own safety; making decisions and standing up to peer pressure; assessing risk & how to identify emergencies.

Health & Wellbeing - Positive Thinking

Understanding positive & negative emotions; mindfulness & making good choices; the importance of mental health.

Wider World - Diverse Britain

The different faiths & ethnicities that make up Britain; community; law & consequences.

One World

Understanding that we all have to live as global citizens with a responsibility to help the environment & sustain its natural resources.

Year 6

Digital Wellbeing

E-Safety; safe use of technology; online relationships; benefits & risks of social media; fake news.


Learning to work as a team, disagreeing respectfully and communicating effectively; understanding compromise.

Health & Wellbeing

How we change both physically & emotionally as we grow up; the types of relationships that people have; body image & stereotypes.

Health & Wellbeing - It's my body

How to take care of our bodies; consent and autonomy; body image; harmful substances.

Aiming High

Achievements, aspirations & opportunities; challenges & how to overcome obstacles; stereotypes within work.

Money Matters

How money is used in the wider world; the value of products; budgeting & careful spending.

 Secondary curriculum 

Michaelmas 1

Health & Wellbeing

Michaelmas 2

Living in the
wider world

Lent 1


Lent 2

Health & Wellbeing

Trinity 1


Trinity 2

Living in the wider world

Year 7

Transition & safety

Transition to secondary school & personal safety inside & outside school, including first aid.

Developing skills & aspirations

Careers, life aspirations, subjects & careers.


Diversity, prejudice & bullying.

Health & puberty

Healthy routines, influences on health, puberty, unwanted contact & FGM.

Building relationships

Self-worth, romance & friendships (including online) & relationship boundaries.

Politics & Parliament

Importance, Prime Minister, Monarchy & Parliament

Year 8

Drugs & alcohol

Alcohol & drug misuse & pressures relating to drug use.


Aspirations, employability, careers.


Discrimination in all its forms, including: racism, religious discrimination, disability, discrimination, sexism, homophobia, biphobia & transphobia.


Healthy relationships, consent, gender identity & sexual orientation.

Emotional wellbeing

Mental health & emotional wellbeing, including body image & coping strategies.

Digital literacy

Online safety, digital literacy, media reliability & gambling hooks.

Year 9

Peer influence, substance abuse & gangs

Healthy & unhealthy friendships, assertiveness, substance misuse & gang exploitation,


Stereotypes, decision making, LMI, GCSE options.

Extremism & terrorism

Conspiracy, forms of extremism, terrorism and radicalisation.

Intimate relationships

Relationships & sex education including consent, contraception, the risks of STIs.


Types of families, conflict resolution, mental health.

Healthy lifestyle

Informed healthy choices, influences on body image, media.

Year 10

Mental health

Mental health & ill health, stigma, safeguarding health, including during periods of transition or change.


Apprenticeships, CVs, careers, options at 16, striking unions.


Budgeting, exploring pay slips, debt, gambling & fraud.


Relationship values, delay sexual activities, online relationships, pornography, sexual abuse.

Exploring British Values

Critical things, hate crime, mutual respect & tolerance, human rights.



Marriage, rights & responsibilities, consumer rights & employment rights.


Year 11

Mental & emotional wellbeing

Challenges, negative thinking, mental health, loss and grief.


Renewable energy careers, digital careers, LMI, post-16 options.

Health & wellbeing

Screen addiction, exam stress & anxiety, social media, festivals & substance abuse.


Peer on peer abuse, alcohol & parties, sexual health, STIs.

Study leave & public examinations
Year 12

Healthy lifestyles & mental health

Work life balance, eating on a budget, mental health, anxiety & depression.


Options post-18, job searching, interviewing.

Media literacy

Online reputation, networking, digital resilience, media literacy.


Relationship types & values, consent globally, sexual norms & expectations.

Bullying & abuse

Emotional abuse, coercion & controlling behaviour, harassment, stalking & discrimination. 

Wider world

Alcohol, drugs, assertiveness, drink driving, spiking, organised gangs.


Year 13


Building relationships, online dating & personal safety, toxic relationships, power differences


Resilience, interviews, employment rules, professional conduct, bullying & harassment.


Budgeting at university, exploring a pay slip, trading & investment, mortgages & renting property.


Parenthood, fertility, motherhood & employment, revisit consent, boundaries & contraception.

Study leave & public examinations