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Years 1-4

As children move from Early Years into Key Stage 1, we aim to build upon the skills learned in Reception and we encourage them to strive consistently, to achieve beyond their own expectations in academic, sporting and co-curricular activities. Our indoor and outdoor learning environments play a key and important role in supporting and extending children’s development in our positive and safe surroundings.

 Boys in Junior classroom

 Ruth Forbes with pupil

 Pupils in playground

Our syllabus is broadly based on, but not limited to, the National Curriculum core subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Humanities (History & Geography)
  • Art, Design & Technology
  • ICT
  • Physical Education & swimming
  • Music
  • Drama and dance
  • French
  • Religious Education
  • Wellbeing
  • Forest School

The children benefit from the continuity of having the majority of their lessons with their Class Teacher, supported by teaching assistants where needed. They also benefit from French, Music, PE, swimming (for Years 3 and 4) and Forest School taught by a specialist teachers.

We offer superb opportunities to develop confidence through performance in theatrical and musical productions, class presentations, public speaking and debate. Children take part in Year group productions performed in school for parents and whole-school productions in professional theatre venues. Participation in services for Harvest Thanksgiving, Christingle and St Chad’s Day, along with assemblies and other events, help children to develop self-confidence, the ability to manage their nerves and the joy of contributing towards a shared endeavour.

Pupils in Years 2-4 are provided with a free musical instrument and weekly small group tuition. Year 2 learn either the cello or violin; Year 3 learn either the Toot or the Dood (plastic flutes or clarinets); and Year 4 play either the PTrumpet or the PBone (plastic trombones or trumpets).

Across our Junior School, pupils take part in a number of off-site trips and each year a range of visitors come to share their knowledge and encourage children to find out more about a subject or interest.

Transition to Year 5 in the Cathedral Close

Pupils take part in a series of activities designed to introduce them to the Key Stage 2 Hub at the Lichfield campus (called Broadhurst) to prepare them for the transition to Year 5. During Years 2, 3 and 4 pupils will visit the Lichfield site and the Cathedral for workshops, services, STEM events and other activities, so that the site and the staff become increasingly familiar. During Year 4, specific events bring Year 4 and Year 5 pupils together, and the whole programme is overseen by Mr Coleman, Head of Years 5 & 6. The programme includes events for parents to introduce them to the new environment and teaching staff.