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Years 10 & 11

Emotionally and socially, these can be tricky years for all teenagers to navigate and this is where the strong relationships and outstanding pastoral care we provide can really give them the chance to enjoy what can be very stressful years. While exam results are important, they are not everything – it’s more important that students focus on their individuality, their happiness and their unique potential.

If we can help them achieve more than they believed they could, then we have succeeded. If we can do that while keeping them emotionally happy and strong, then we have more than won.

 GCSE celebration

With a more informal setting and smaller classes, the teachers and students really get to know each other. This is important because we ask our students to step up and be more responsible and self-motivated than they may need to be elsewhere. We don’t micro-manage, we do support, but ultimately, it’s down to each child to take control of their learning. Our teachers understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses - they reinforce where needed and push where they can, but most importantly, they are a friendly face. They genuinely want to help, not to intimidate or belittle.

As with most mainstream schools, we follow the GCSE curriculum and assessment processes. This does mean that during these years our teaching and learning is closely curriculum-led, but we do our best to continuously support our students’ personal passions and interests. Rather than focusing only on the exam results, our aim is to give our students the knowledge and the thinking skills - creativity, problem-solving, flexibility, resilience - to take on whatever may turn up on the exams, but also in life beyond.

GCSE Subjects

In addition to the core curriculum of English Language, English Literature (both AQA exam board), Mathematics (Edexcel) and Dual Science (OCR Gateway Combined Science A), along with Wellbeing/RSE, students can choose 4 further subjects from the following: 

Option Subject Exam Board
Art, Craft & Design OCR
Business Studies AQA
Computer Science OCR
Design & Technology Eduqas
Drama Eduqas
French AQA
Geography AQA
German AQA
History AQA
Latin Eduqas
Music Edexcel
Music Technology RSL Level 2 Certificate
Physical Education OCR
Religious Studies AQA
Spanish AQA
Sports Science OCR
Travel & Tourism Pearson
Triple Science OCR A (Gateway Science)

Transition to Sixth Form

The LCS Sixth Form is a place of opportunities, where students can go on from our Senior School to study both A Level and BTEC qualifications, and then on to university or the world of work.

One of the main benefits of a Sixth Form is that it presents you with the opportunity to focus on what really interests you. The latter years of the Senior School will have given students the advantage of exam experience, but it will also have refined their interests.

Our teaching staff provide Year 11 students with the best possible advice about the transition to Sixth Form. There is a lot to consider, including thinking about what to do after Sixth Form - students may want to go to university, embark on a career or start an apprenticeship or internship, decisions that will all affect subject choice at A Level or BTEC.