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Pastoral Support & Safeguarding

There is something special about LCS. A particular energy or spirit that is difficult to define, yet permeates everything. It is a sense of individuality, where everyone is encouraged to be unique, be themselves, carve their own path and be comfortable in their own skin. It is a sense of family, an environment of mutual respect and empathy where there are no cliques, just students who love nothing better than supporting each other. It is also a sense of place, of deep-rooted belonging within a culturally- and historically-significant space whose importance stretches beyond classrooms and the 21st century.

This spirit exists largely because of the outstanding pastoral care provided throughout the School. We know that happy pupils thrive and our teaching and support staff are encouraged to build a strong rapport with them. Each pupil’s Form Tutor has the direct and daily responsibility for monitoring their wellbeing and acts as the first point of contact for parents. In School, the Form Tutor is likely to be the person who knows the pupils in his or her class best. Other people involved in pastoral care include the Pastoral Team, the Heads of Year, the Chaplaincy Team, the Matrons and School Nurse. It is a complex web, but it has a shape that everyone understands and it the basis of the personal development of each child in our care.

One of the key benefits of an all-through school (Nursery to Sixth Form) is our knowledge: we know your child because each pupil is passed from hand to hand as they move through the year groups. We understand what motivates them, what distracts them, what they love and what they find challenging. Providing that continuity of care is vital to ensure your child makes the most of every opportunity with which they are presented.

The combination of excellent pastoral care and the generosity of spirit throughout the School ensures that new pupils joining LCS, whether at the start or during the academic year, are warmly welcomed and looked after. As they adjust to their new surroundings, pupil buddies provide guidance and a familiar face, while Form Tutors will catch up with parents to check that the transition is going smoothly.


Lichfield Cathedral School puts the Safeguarding of our children at the forefront of all we do and Safeguarding has the highest priority across the school. Our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed, updated and ratified by our governing body. Safeguarding our children is the responsibility of all staff at LCS, all of whom are regularly trained and updated on changes in the Safeguarding landscape, statutory requirements and the best ways to keep our children safe. Online Safety forms a crucial part of our Safeguarding provision, training and support. Pupils and students are educated through Wellbeing/RSE lessons, assemblies, Form time and within subject lessons on many issues related to Safeguarding, and given the skills and knowledge to make responsible decisions in order to help them to stay safe.

Support is available where needed and the School works with a number of external organisations assisting individuals and families:

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.  The NSPCC has created a 10-minute training video explaining what to do if you're ever worried about a child or a family:

Organisations providing help for pupils and parents include:

We are part of the Operation Encompass network:

If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child, please contact us at reception@lichfieldcathedralschool.com or get in touch by phone (01543 306170) or by email with our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Jo Owens, j.owens@lichfieldcathedralschool.com).