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£4,300+ for Children in Need

A huge thank you to all of the families that took part in this year's Children in Need.

Longdon's day started with a Joe Wicks workout, gearing up for the runPudsey event in the afternoon. In class, the children made pledges about choosing respectful behaviour towards one another using the Anti-Bulling Alliances lesson materials. They also found out how their sponsorship money would be spent to help others in need.

In the afternoon, a 100m course was set up for the children from Reception to Year 4 to complete. Each child set a target for how far they would run, with the majority of children breaking their target and running, walking or skipping 1km!  Collectively we ran, skipped and walked over 119km and raised a staggering £3,163.70 for Children in Need!
Mr Derbyshire

A huge thank you to everyone who dressed up so wonderfully and who helped to raise money through a Treasure Map, a tuck shop, a tombola and Guess the Smarties in a Jar.  A wonderful £1,100+ was raised!
Mme Smith