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Busy Christmas for Choristers and Choral Scholars

Choristers and Choral Scholars had an incredible December, finishing their last service of the year with  the Christmas morning Eucharist.  They sang at the two 'Darkness to Light' Advent Services, at the Wedgwood Museum in Burslem and in The Town Hall in Birmingham (photo above), as well as the Christmas by Candlelight concert and two Carol Services in the Cathedral.  In addition to these events, they continued with the usual services they sing each week in the Cathedral and had many hours of rehearsals after the School term had finished.  Whilst doing all of this, they completed their School work and took part in many School sporting activities as well as their own extra-curricular ones.
They did have some time to relax and enjoy the company of their friends and families, and had great fun at the Christmas parties hosted by Canon and Mrs Stead, which began with carol singing at their front door.  The competitive streaks certainly showed when playing the traditional (to the Choristers!) party games of Tangerine Tussle and Grandma's Knickers! 
We thank all of the Choristers, Choral Scholars and families, Mr Lamb and Mr Rawles for the service they provide to the Cathedral and the outstanding performances they all give.

Chorister Christmas party