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Chorister Auditions

For those wishing to audition to become a chorister within Lichfield Cathedral Choir, auditions will take place on Saturday 1st February 2024.

The Choir are looking to audition children in the following age groups.

Girls currently in the following year groups:

Year 2: Up to 4 spaces available
Year 3: 2 spaces available
Year 4: 1 space available
Year 6: Up to 3 spaces available, if spaces not filled in younger year groups
Year 7: Up to 2 spaces available, if spaces not filled in younger year groups

Boys currently in the following year groups:

Year 2: Up to 4 spaces available
Year 3: 3 spaces available
Year 4: 2 spaces available
Year 5: 1 space available

For further information and to register interest, please contact the Admissions team on admissions@lichfieldcathedralschool.com or 01543 306168.