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College of Canons Supper

Choristers and Choral Scholars enjoyed a meal in the Cathedral after Evensong on Wednesday for the annual College of Canons Supper.
A Loving Cup is passed along the dining table with each person saying the school motto as they hand it to their neighbour to take a sip of (non alcoholic) wine. The cup used last night was the Hackett chalice cup, which dates from 1662. Bishop Hackett paid for the restoration of the Cathedral after the Civil War, and his grave is the one in the south quire aisle with the man lying down in full robes.  When the Civil War soldiers came in and saw him praying the 1662 Prayer Book, they told him to stop or they would kill him. He simply turned to them and said, “You must do what you must do and I must do what I must do“. He kept praying and they didn’t kill him. 
Evensong is sung each week by Choristers and Choral Scholars on Tuesday to Friday at 5.30pm and Sunday at 3.30pm together with Sunday Eucharist at 10.30am.

College of Canons Supper, the Loving Cup shared