Super British Science Week at Longdon
We were delighted to invite back Sublime Science once again to join us during British Science Week to celebrate this year’s theme of ‘Change and Adapt’. Sublime Science were incredible and the pupils had an amazing time during their workshops. Longdon pupils continued their celebrations in the classroom and looked at different scientists and their discoveries. It was delightful to see the children come dressed as scientists, so eager to engage in their activities.
Pre-Reception studied Sir Isaac Newton focusing on gravity and forces. They had a very exciting time testing toy cars on various surfaces. There was also great excitement during the Coke and Mentos experiment.
Reception studied Mae Jemison looking at space and magnetic and gravitational forces, where they discovered what materials are magnetic and made a moving car game.
Year 1 studied Ole Kirk Christiansen, the inventor of Lego. They had a thrilling morning examining the properties of plastic and learning how Lego was invented. They compared the properties of plastic to other materials and tried to build models using spaghetti and marshmallows, sweets and party sticks.
Year 2 studied Archimedes and made a simple experiment to explain water displacement. They also looked closer at liquid densities using syrup, oil and water.
Year 3 studied Mary Anning and her discovery of Jurassic marine fossil beds in the cliffs along the English Channel at Lyme Regis. The children went back in time and looked at how fossils are made. Pupils were also able to put their artistic skills to the fore and create fossils using clay.
Finally, Year 4 studied Charles Darwin and his discoveries on the Galapagos islands. The children looked at different species and their conservation status. They have begun learning how to classify species using an assortment of sweets.