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Why core values are so important

The School has four core values of Learning, Faith, Leadership and Service. Each of these are of integral importance to us in terms of who we are and what we do.
Well, what is a school without learning? We are keenly aware as teachers that we are all learning all the time – adults and children alike. The opportunity to learn not only what is on the curriculum, but also what finer qualities we admire and wish to develop within ourselves is absolutely our core business and is a gift. When we stop learning, we are lost.
Many centuries ago, a School of Song and Grammar was founded for the choristers of the Cathedral Church of St Mary and St Chad. They studied and sang to the glory of God and it is this school upon which our foundations were laid. The tradition of sacred choral singing is something in which we take great pleasure and pride. Our Cathedral Choristers and Choral Scholars are committed, enthusiastic members of our community and their work provides a beating heart for the school. Our status as the Cathedral School is a huge and humbling privilege. To be supported and guided by this ancient spiritual place is something that we hold dear and do not take for granted.
If ever the world needed ethical leadership, it is now. All of our pupils develop leadership skills, from our youngest who are learning how to be good people, to our eldest pupils who aim to make positive contributions to the local community and to the wider world. These skills are developed in significant projects, such as undertaking a World Challenge Project, supporting an international charity or participating the Global Schools Alliance, and in small, everyday ways in classrooms. We are also keenly aware that leadership styles differ. Our pupils who can be characterised by ‘confident with plenty of humility’ know how to lead with compassion and care, and to bring people with them.
In many ways, this value is the sum of all the others combined. Service is a powerful contributor to our happiness, fulfilment and overall life satisfaction. Helping others is one of the ways that people create, maintain and strengthen their social connections, and helps to make life and work more meaningful.  Being of service makes us feel more grateful for what we have and is a powerful source of motivation.  We teach our pupils to be compassionate to their fellow humans, to understand the essential value of treating all mankind as our wider family and helping wherever and however we can.
Our values are not a trite list of words, or a sound bite. They are core pillars providing a solid foundation, ongoing strength and future direction. They are the unbroken thread that binds us to the choristers of the twelfth century and they give us much for which we are grateful.
Inservi Deo et laetare!